
Coaching Psychology Manual
The Coaching Psychology Manual, co-authored by Wellcoaches Founder Margaret Moore, Erika Jackson, and Bob Tschannen-Moran, is the first coaching textbook in healthcare and wellness, now in its second edition. The Manual is the foundation of the Wellcoaches Core Coach Training & Certification Programs, now used widely in academic courses on coaching psychology and health and wellness coaching, including a Science of Coaching Psychology Course at Harvard University Extension School. The Manual describes the Wellcoaches health and wellness coaching protocol, now disseminated widely and science-based as reported in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. It is also available in Spanish.

Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life
Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life, by Margaret Moore and Paul Hammerness, MD, with John Hanc, is a Harvard Health book published by Harlequin. This book takes us to a higher level of order, beyond time management and to do lists, based on translating the neuroscience of ADD into organizational rules and coaching solutions which help everyone overcome the epidemic of distraction and overwhelm.
Organize Your Emotions, Optimize Your Life
An iBooks bestseller for health, mind & body, Organize Your Emotions, Optimize Your Life, by Margaret Moore and Harvard Medical School professor Edward Phillips, MD, identifies nine distinct biological parts of your personality (your Inner Family) which express your primary needs, drives, values, and capacities. Based on the latest research as well as extensive work with their clients and patients, Moore and Phillips show you how to: Decode your emotions; bring your Inner Family into more harmony and balance; discover untapped strengths; call on your inner coach; and gain a calm perspective and self-mastery.