Organize Your Mind,
Organize Your Life
The Book
In Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life, Harvard psychiatrist and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) expert Paul Hammerness, MD, teams up with Wellcoaches founder and executive coach Margaret Moore, along with John Hanc, writer and New York Times contributor, to share six strategies for “top down” organization to help you get more productive, creative, and strategic.
By “top down” organization, we mean applying the latest discoveries in brain science using neuro-imaging or brain scans. We translate amazing new insights, about how the brain was designed to focus, learn, create, and shift with agility among tasks, into practical self-coaching solutions.
This book will help you learn to:
Tame your emotions
Sustain attention
Curb your impulses
Mold Information
Shift from one task to another
Connect the Dots
Author Bios: Margaret Moore, Paul Hammerness, MD, John Hanc

I was so excited that I bought my 21 year old son, who is a music therapy major in college, a copy. He texted me the next day and revealed that your book and its concepts had given him hope of overcoming the issues he has been dealing with.
Father of a College Student

I really enjoyed reading your book! It was the perfect timing to read it because I am currently taking psychology and psychology of music courses right now. It's amazing how much I've learned about the brain this semester and your book has helped me grasp even more about it. While I was reading, it just clicked and I'm now constantly imagining the physiological processes going on inside the brain as I am learning, and the billions of neurons connecting in networks just to form my conscious thoughts. Sometimes I'll imagine my pre-frontal cortex being activated as I try to focus on something, or my temporal lobes activating as I hear things (especially music).
I liked how you related the mind to music at one part in the book if I remember correctly. The brain must harmonize it's parts to be at it's full potential. This reminds me of music therapy. Because music itself affects the physiological structure of the brain in the long run, making some parts such as the cerebellum, the corpus callosum, and other areas of the brain larger in musicians than non musicians. I've always wondered how this would affect my cognition and my ability to focus and perceive things.
College Student

Your book jumped out at me while I was at a bookstore, and I was immediately drawn to it. I have struggled my entire life with the symptoms you describe in your book. I want share the book with my mother who lives in Dubai and struggles with many of the same problems I do.
I'd like to find some way to help because I believe very much in what you do. I'm a writer and a marketing strategist, so if either of these skills can be put to use for your purposes, please let me know.
Thank you for your time and consideration!
Marketing Strategist

I am so excited about the new patterns I am creating. Looking at my home and organization as a challenge and an opportunity to bring about positive change is inspiring and energizing both me and my home!
There is a much better flow of energy and ideas with this new system.
I think the clutter was a catalyst for depression and overwhelm. Before I often felt I didn't have the energy to deal with the mess. This past week I have felt so much happier and had so much more energy.
I had my cleaning ladies come, had my carpets cleaned. My place is at it's very best! I have extended an invitation to some of my friends to come for dinner in mid March.
I could not be happier about my new life. I know it's only been a week but I am inspired and dedicated to keeping it this way!
What is next?
Thank you so much!
Operations Assistant

LOVE your new book and am especially excited because I already use what I learned as a psychiatric nurse practitioner using cognitive therapy in my work as a coach as I help my clients to get in touch with the emotional thoughts that play out in their times of overwhelm (for example: Is it your mother-in-law that makes you feel crazy or is it the habit she has of interrupting you repeatedly?). I have been keeping track of the research that has been emerging on brain development and the implications for coaching, so you can imagine how excited I was to see your book addressing that topic. I also love the attention this book is getting in the media, perhaps as much as you do, because I am just starting as a certified health and wellness coach here in NC and you so clearly articulate the benefits of coaching. THANK YOU!
Pychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Certified Health & Wellness Coach

I received the book from Amazon over the weekend and finished the book this morning. I thought the book was amazing. I now understand what had been getting in my way of making progress. I did not regularly manage distractions or use agility. What's amazing is that the neuroscience seems to make common sense, yet, somehow I needed to see it in writing in order to really get it. Your suggestions and examples were extremely helpful. Thank you!
Professional Health Coach